LA Theriault

Lisa noticed huge changes after turning 50. Naturally, there were physical changes. But she also realized that the same lifestyle that suited her in her younger years wouldn't cut it anymore. As a pet pro-blogger for over 5 years, Lisa decided to make a fundamental shift. Her new niche, lifestyle blogging for the over-50 crowd, is a much better fit. The questions she has about life, love, health, and wellness, are likely the same questions you have. It's often the little things that she's most curious about. Things like, "Am I too old for Lasix?" come to mind. Lisa's often surprised at how much she took for granted as a younger woman! It's her curiosity and genuine desire for answers that prompted her to start Her hope is that you, the reader, will find the content useful in some way.

a group of colorful crumpled paper balls around a sign

Can You Develop ADHD Later in Life or Was it Always There?

Have you ever caught yourself wondering whether you can develop ADHD later in life? If so, you’re probably struggling with focus, organization, or time mangement. Is it possible you didn’t notice it before or is this something new?  In this blog post, I’ll take you through some common questions about whether you can develop ADHD

Can You Develop ADHD Later in Life or Was it Always There? Read More »